Garib Rath Express Train derailment - updates and pics

Ever since I reduced traveling, it had been tough to update the latest about Mumbai local trains. Generally my brother and husband keep updating me as they travel.

An hour ago, my brother called up to help me update about the status of trains - that they are running very late. Since he does not access the internet from his workplace, he gave me all the info based on what he could see at Kurla station and the railway announcements. I am so very thankful to Anup for all the help (I posted the update here).

And even before I could gather more info, I came across Neeraj's tweets. I can't thank him enough for allowing me to post the updates and photos clicked by him. Guys, Neeraj has been updating the status live all this while. So here are the photos and I hope there are no casualties or any more derailments.

Image courtesy and more pics: Neeraj's photostream.